Simplify the translation of your websites with WPML and EuropaTrad

Have you just installed WPML and are looking for a language service provider (LSP) to translate your WordPress website? Would you like to connect your website to a professional translation service?

Welcome to EuropaTrad, a WPML partner, and the translation platform of an LSP that provides tailor-made services and advice to make the global roll-out and localisation of your website a success.

You are in the right place to log in to the EuropaTrad translation service in the WPML extension of your WordPress website.

Our services for WordPress websites with WPML

Our team is on hand to help you install WPML and set it up, to help you get to grips with using this plug-in.
This also allows us to make sure that all content for translation has been selected (including slugs, metadata and tags).

Depending on your content and the quality and speed of translation you require, page by page, our translation solutions, which integrate varying degrees of machine and human translation, can be combined to meet your needs.

We can translate keywords selected for search engines in the target market.

To make sure it is fully operational upon launch, the entire translated website is reviewed by translators, who correct any omissions or inconsistencies in the presentation.

For updates and changes made to websites that we have translated, our pricing system ensures that you only pay for the translation of modified content, while previously translated content is faithfully reproduced.

This means that you always have fully and accurately translated pages for your multilingual website.

Put your translation memories to work for your blog publishing schedule! With this subscription you can schedule your translation budgets for blogs and social media content.

This subscription can cover a full year, for example, and enables you to control the time it takes to publish translations online for each publication.

If you have a regular editorial calendar, you can control your budget and online publishing deadlines by taking out a monthly translation subscription.

60 language combinations available


Instant sending

of pages for translation to the EuropaTrad platform.

Full selection

of content for translation

Easy integration

and almost instant integration of translated content (no more copying and pasting)

Fast translation

with WPML’s direct connection


made convenient and easy

Translation quality

ensured by native translators

You are assisted with your website translation project from start to finish

We offer you a comprehensive service, including help setting up WPML and selection of content for translation, advice on SEO translation, translation by professional native translators specialised in your business sector and final testing to guarantee a fully translated website.

How to obtain and use your token?

Fill in the form so we can send you your token by email.

By copying the token in the Translators tab under Translation Services in your WPML interface, you will be connected directly to our translation platform and can then send us the pages and content that you want to be translated, specifying the target languages.

Based on this, we will send you an accurate quote and delivery deadline for the translation of the pages you have selected.

In addition, we can put you in touch with one of our project managers so you can benefit from assistance and complete the configuration of your WPML installation.

Request your API token