How to Create Multilingual Opt-In Forms That Convert Website Visitors Into Customers

No matter what kind of WordPress website you have, your goal is to boost traffic to your site and improve your online presence. After all, the more visitors a website attracts, the more sales it makes.

One good way to expand your reach is by translating your website. By providing your site’s content in multiple languages, you can bring in a global audience.

However, creating a multilingual website isn’t enough. Sure, people are more likely to visit a website in their own language. But to turn these visitors into customers or subscribers, you need to find a way to capture their attention.

With opt-in forms, you can give your visitors the option to receive emails from you. Once you build a mailing list, you can market to the people who are interested in your brand, products, or services.

But for an opt-in form to be effective, it needs to offer incentive. It also needs to speak the same language as your site’s visitors.


How Opt-In Forms Work

Email marketing is a great way to send out information about your products and services and upcoming deals. It also lets you establish a connection with your site’s visitors.

Of course, before starting an email marketing campaign, you need to have a list of people you can send the emails to. This is where email marketing software which allow you to create opt-in forms come into the picture.

By placing a simple form asking visitors if they’d like to subscribe and receive emails from you, you can:

  • Convert website visitors into subscribers
  • Drum up interest in your site’s products or services
  • Increase engagement with your users and improve conversion rates

However, for visitors to hit the Subscribe button, you need to clearly explain how they can benefit from it. What you can offer depends on the type of website you have.

For example, a newsletter sign-up form can offer exclusive access to the latest news and updates. In turn, this can generate more interest in the content a blog has to offer.

A newsletter sign-up form offering access to exclusive content
E-commerce sites can offer a discount code or regular promo codes in exchange for a subscription. This gives visitors a good reason to shop with you and leads to an increase in sales.
An opt-in form offering a discount
An appealing sign-up form can be just what your website needs to generate more interest in your products. It’s also one of the quickest ways to build a database of contacts for marketing communications. But, your success with email marketing will largely depend on the tools you use to create the opt-in forms.

Features to Look for in an Email Opt-in Tool

Without a doubt, the email capture tool you choose should integrate with your WordPress site. It should also enable you to:

  • Easily build different types of opt-in forms
  • Set up display and targeting rules
  • Connect with an email service provider and send targeted emails in bulk
  • Make it easy for you to manage your contact list
  • Track the progress of your campaigns

As a multilingual site owner, you can’t forget about translating the form content. If a visitor is viewing your site’s content in Spanish, showing them an opt-in form in English isn’t the best idea. You want your message to be valuable – and for that to happen, your visitors need to understand what it says.

An email opt-in form in the site’s secondary language
You should look for email marketing software that allows you to connect with multiple email accounts. Manually going through a list of subscribers to see which language to send emails in would be a frustrating process. This is why you should select a software that lets you connect your multilingual campaigns to different mailing lists. You can then segment your followers into groups and contact them in their preferred language.

Choosing a Translation-Friendly Email Opt-In Solution

Now that you know what features to look for, it’s time to find the best solution for your multilingual WordPress website.

There are a lot of email opt-in plugins out there, all of which come with different quality features. But if you want an email opt-in plugin that is both integrated with WordPress and translation-friendly, it’s hard to find a better tool than Bloom.

Bloom is a premium email opt-in and lead generation plugin. It is available as a part of the Elegant Themes membership packages and offers standout features like:

  • Different opt-in form types
  • Analyzation tools that allow you to see if your forms are generating leads
  • Integration with popular email marketing services
  • Trigger options that let you to decide when to display each form

While Bloom lets you create various types of opt-in campaigns, you need a separate solution to turn them multilingual. For this, we recommend our partner, the WPML (WordPress Multilingual) plugin. WPML provides a fully automated translation process for WordPress websites. The multilingual plugin is also compatible with a good deal of email marketing and lead generation plugins, including Bloom.

With WPML, you can:

  • Add an easy-to-use language switcher to your website
  • Send form content as well as posts and pages (including those with the opt-in form) for translation to EuropaTrad
  • Display the correct language version of the form depending on the language of the page

Sending Your Email Opt-In Forms for Translation

WPML lets you translate any of the 6 form types Bloom offers. Below, we’ll show you just how easy it is to send the content from a pop-up form to EuropaTrad:

1. From your site’s dashboard, go to WPML → Theme and plugins localization and scroll down to the Strings in the plugins section.

2. Check the box next to Bloom and click on Scan selected plugin for strings.

Scanning the Bloom plugin for strings

3. Once scanning is complete, navigate to WPML → String Translation and use the In domain dropdown menu to search for strings within the bloom domain.

Searching for strings in the bloom domain
4. Select the texts you want to translate and click on Add selected strings to translation basket.
5. Head over to the Translation Basket tab in WPML → Translation Management and send all your selected strings to EuropaTrad.
Sending the texts for translation to EuropaTrad
That’s it! Now, all that’s left to do is accept the quotation EuropaPad will send you by email. Once the translations are complete, EuropaTrad will let you know so that you can download and publish them.

Wrapping Up

Email opt-in forms are a powerful way to keep visitors interested in your products and services. They can also effectively convert visitors into paying customers.

By using a premium opt-in plugin like Bloom, you can create different types of opt-in forms and choose when to show them. You can even connect them to separate mailing lists.

But to make sure your opt-in forms resonate with your global site’s visitors, you need to make them multilingual. With WPML, you can easily send your opt-in content for translation to EuropaTrad. In no time, you’ll be displaying translated opt-ins that are bound to convert your site’s visitors into customers.

Guide de la localisation e-learning

Optimisez vos formations e-learning pour un public international !

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