
All the latest news from Europatrad and the translation industry.

agence de traduction de lyon
How to Create Multilingual Opt-In Forms That Convert Website Visitors Into Customers
How to Create Multilingual Opt-In Forms That Convert Website Visitors Into Customers No matter what kind of WordPress website...
Traduction vidéo
Document translation: six mistakes to avoid
Clients are increasingly looking for greater flexibility while meeting deadlines and controlling costs of their translation...
Traduction vidéo
Video translation: four main solutions
Video translation is one of the ways to make your multilingual content accessible to a wider range of people, thereby expanding...
Traduction vidéo
Website translation: our guide to move fast and effectively
For a number of years now, we have been seeing web content production grow rapidly. Ever more creative and varied,...
Traduction multiformat
How to approach a multi-format translation and complete it smoothly?
What do we mean by a “multi-format translation”? Put simply, it is a translation that involves a variety of file...
traduction AO
Our advice for a successful invitation to tender (ITT) for translation services.
Choosing a translation service provider is not an easy task. Firstly, this is due to the different structures of...
Traduction technique
Technical documentation in industrial and engineering projects: how do you achieve high-quality translations?
Technical translation is considered to be the most demanding, as it requires rigour and perfect knowledge of the...
agence de traduction de lyon
May 2021: Trad’Est and Europa Traduction are merging to create EuropaTrad. Stéphane Hue, CEO of the company, tells us all about it
May 2021: Trad’Est and Europa Traduction are merging to create EuropaTrad. Stéphane Hue, CEO of the company, tells...
Guide de la localisation e-learning

Optimisez vos formations e-learning pour un public international !

Traduire vos formations ne suffit pas. Pour garantir une expérience d’apprentissage efficace et engageante, il est essentiel d’adapter chaque élément à votre audience cible : texte, voix-off, vidéos, animations…